5 Qualities German Men Look for in a Woman

Physical Appearance

When it signs he thinks you\’re ugly comes to dating, physical appearance can be a tricky subject. Sure, some people might find themselves drawn to certain looks over others – but the truth is that beauty really does come in all shapes and sizes. Whether you’re into someone who’s tall and lanky or short and curvy, there’s something special about everyone.

So don’t let your initial attraction influence your decisions too much; take the time to get to know someone on a deeper level before making any judgments based on their looks. After all, it’s what’s inside that counts!

Personality Traits

When it comes to dating, personality traits are incredibly important. Having a good sense of humor is always a plus, as well as being open-minded and willing to try new things. Being kind and considerate towards your date’s feelings is also essential for any successful relationship.

Having common interests can help bring two individuals closer together. It’s important to be honest and genuine in order to find someone compatible with your own unique personality traits.

Interests and Hobbies

When it comes to dating, having common interests and hobbies can be one of the best ways to connect with someone. Sharing similar interests gives you something to bond over and can create a strong foundation for your go to website relationship. Whether you’re looking for an outdoor adventure buddy or someone who loves watching movies, finding someone with similar hobbies may be the key to success in the dating world.

If you have an interest in sports and your date is just as passionate about football or basketball, then that could be a great conversation starter! Or perhaps both of you like going out for hikes on weekends and exploring new trails? That could lead to lots of fun outdoor activities together.


When it comes to German guys and what they look for in a girl, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. That said, one thing that many German guys appreciate in a girl is independence.

The Xpress dating app certainly caters to this preference – with its Xtended feature, users can receive additional notifications when their matches have logged on or sent them messages. This encourages users to take the initiative and start conversations without waiting around for someone else to make the first move.


BBWCupid is a great online dating website for German guys who are looking for a girl with curves. The site offers a wide range of profiles to choose from, allowing users to find someone that matches their particular preferences.

The website has an effective matchmaking system that helps you quickly find compatible partners based on your personality and interests.

The site also provides helpful resources such as informative articles and tips about navigating the dating scene as well as safety advice to ensure a secure online experience.

What kind of qualities do you value in a potential partner?

When it comes to finding a potential partner, there are certain qualities that I value above all else. I appreciate someone who is honest and open – someone who click the next internet site can be frank in their communication and not hide anything from me. I’m looking for someone with a great sense of humor; someone who can make me laugh and share in the joys of life. I value intelligence, kindness, and respectfulness in a partner – qualities which are essential for any successful relationship.

What do you like to do for fun?

German guys tend to be attracted to confident, independent women with a great sense of humor. For fun, they enjoy going out and exploring new places, trying new activities, and enjoying the company of good friends.

Do you prefer going out or staying in on dates?

When it comes to dating German guys, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Some may prefer to go out on dates while others might feel more comfortable staying in. Ultimately, it’s important to get to know the guy you’re dating and find out what his preferences are. If he enjoys going out, you could plan fun activities like a dinner date or a movie night. Alternatively, if he prefers staying in then you could have a cozy night in watching TV or playing board games together.